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Assign types on setState to React Typescript

I'm working on the project that uses TypeScript and React and I'm trying to restrict the data based on interface assigned to state.

I have assigned the type IState interface to the state which has uiForm key assigns with type studentForm interface . But when I am assigning the wrong structured data or with wrong key which is not present in the studentForm Interface to uiForm key, it gets assigned without validating the type.

My code looks like this:

interface IProps {}

interface studentForm {
    label: string,
    type: string,
    sequen: string

interface IState {
    uiForm: Array < studentForm >

export default class AddStudent extends React.Component < IProps, IState > {
    state: IState = {
        uiForm: []
    constructor(props: IProps) {
    componentDidMount() {
        fetch('./assets/studentForm.json').then((res) => res.json())
            .then((data) => {
                    uiForm: data
            .catch(err => {

I am trying to assign the uiForm with below object


   "label":"Admission No.",

Ideally, it should not be assigned but it is assigning

What would be the proper way to assign the types to state/setState? Thank you.

setState is not the crux here - if you look at the type signature of fetch , you see that it returns a Response object with Body interface like this:

interface Body {
  json(): Promise<any>;

So data effectively becomes any typed and any can be assigned to... anything..., which makes this.setState({ uiForm: data }) properly typed.

If you need to validate the fetch result first, annotate data with type unknown and then do a run-time check with type guards (branching logic) or assertion functions (assert/invariant logic; TS 3.7). An assertion example:

export default class AddStudent extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
    componentDidMount() {
        fetch('./assets/studentForm.json').then((res) => res.json())
            // type data as unknown
            .then((data: unknown) => {
                // assertion function narrows data type or throws error
                // data type narrowed to Array<studentForm> here
                    uiForm: data

function assertStudentFormArray(args: any): asserts args is IState["uiForm"] {
    // do your validation here ...
    if (!Array.isArray(args)) throw new Error("Got no array...")
    if (args.some(arg => !("label" in arg))) throw new Error("Got no studentform...")


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