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Microsoft Graph ChatMessage Namespace Missing in C#

I'm following the Microsoft Graph tutorial to create and send a chat message to a Microsoft Teams channel from C#.

However, I'm getting an error when following the first example when trying to create a ChatMessage object. ( var chatMessage = new ChatMessage... ) The error is:

The type or namespace name 'ChatMessage' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or assembly reference?)

I've added the following references to my project already but none of them seem to contain the ChatMessage class definition:

  • Microsoft.Graph
  • Microsoft.Graph.Core
  • Microsoft.Graph.Auth

The ChatMessage documentation gives me a little more information on the ChatMessage resource type but doesn't tell me where I should get it from.

The only other thing I've found is Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessage , but I can't find windows.applicationmodel.chat in Nuget, and I'm not sure if this is actually correct as there's no mention of it on the Graph tutorial page.

What am I doing wrong to be able to use the ChatMessage object in the tutorial?

In order to call into the Beta version of Microsoft Graph (ie /beta/... ), you need to use the Microsoft.Graph.Beta NuGet package, not the Microsoft.Graph package. The later only contains APIs that have been released (ie /v1.0/... ).

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