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How to change the background color of div onclick?

I want to create a multiple choice test in HTML and I am using "div"s as answer options. When one option (div) is clicked, its background color should be changed. Here is my code:

        <div id="option" onclick="select()">Option 1</div>
        <div id="option" onclick="select()">Option 2</div>
        <div id="option" onclick="select()">Option 3</div>

        var div = document.getElementById("option");

        function select() {
          div.setAttribute("id", "optionSelected");

CSS code:

#option {
  background-color: #ffffff;
#optionSelected {
  background-color: #008080;

When I click any of the divs only the first div's background changes, because they all have the same id.

Rather than trying to assign the class based on ID (which as pointed out is not correct to have duplicates), you could instead just use the event target:

 function select(e) { // Unset selected class from other options const selected = document.querySelectorAll('.option-list.option-selected'); selected.forEach(function(el) { el.classList.remove('option-selected'); }); e.target.classList.add('option-selected'); }
 .option { background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px; }.option-selected { background-color: #008080; color: #FFFFFF; }
 <div class="option-list"> <div class="option option-selected" onclick="select(event)">Option 1</div> <div class="option" onclick="select(event)">Option 2</div> <div class="option" onclick="select(event)">Option 3</div> </div>

This is my time posting an answer so sorry if it's not the best.

This is the simpliest way to do it I could think of right now.

You would have to change this

<div id="option" onclick="select()">Option 1</div>
<div id="option" onclick="select()">Option 2</div>
<div id="option" onclick="select()">Option 3</div>

to this

<div id="option1" class="option" onclick="select('option1')">Option 1</div>
<div id="option2" class="option" onclick="select('option2')">Option 1</div>
<div id="option3" class="option" onclick="select('option3')">Option 1</div>

So you have a way of distinguishing between the different divs. Also each element would call the function specifying which element should be changed.

Then add an parameter to the function so you can specify which element you want to change.

The other line of code replaces the current class "option" with "optionSelected".

    function select(id) {

        var div = document.getElementById(id);

        div.classList.replace("option", "optionSelected");


Finally just change the CSS rules to classes.

.option {
  background-color: #ffffff;

.optionSelected {
  background-color: #008080;

You can't assign the same ID to all the divs. ID's must be unique. Use a class instead.

1) You should never assign multiple elements the same ID, they should always be different ID's.

2) You could instead use a class, and then call that within the JavaScript function.

var div = document.getElementsByClassName("option");
function select() {
    div.setAttribute("class", "optionSelected")

Hope this helps!

so, this is what you've asked for but don't you want to use a drop down box instead?

 function select(opt) { var div = document.getElementById(opt); div.setAttribute("class", "optionSelected"); }
 #option { background-color: #ffffff; }.optionSelected { background-color: #008080; }
 <div id="option1" onclick="select('option1')">Option 1</div> <div id="option2" onclick="select('option2')">Option 2</div> <div id="option3" onclick="select('option3')">Option 3</div>

You should set your project up using classes, if you want to use Id's here is a way to do that.

        <div id="option" onclick="select(this)">Option 1</div>
        <div id="option" onclick="select(this)">Option 2</div>
        <div id="option" onclick="select(this)">Option 3</div>

        var div = document.getElementById("option");

        function select(opt) {

          opt.setAttribute("id", "optionSelected");

You can simplify what you're trying to do by adding this as an argument to your function (added color toggle on each click):

 <div class="option" onclick="select(this)">Option 1</div> <div class="option" onclick="select(this)">Option 2</div> <div class="option" onclick="select(this)">Option 3</div> <script> function select(el) { el.classList.toggle("optionSelected"); } </script> <style>.option { background-color: #ffffff; }.optionSelected { background-color: #008080; } </style>

You can also do it without javascript, using just css.

 .option { background-color: #ffffff; cursor: pointer; /* add if you want */ } /* When the div with the unique id gets focus due to a click the background color is applied */ #option1:focus, #option2:focus, #option3:focus { background-color: #008080; }
 <,-- Add a class for the background color that applies to the three divs, and add unique id's to each div --> <div> <div class="option" id="option1" tabindex="1">Option 1</div> <div class="option" id="option2" tabindex="2">Option 2</div> <div class="option" id="option3" tabindex="3">Option 3</div> </div>

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