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Web scraping python <span class=“b6a29bc0” aria-label=“Beds”>2</span>, <span class=“b6a29bc0” aria-label=“Baths”>2</span>

I've to pull the text content on below html code for python web scraping, issue is with class parameter all the three variables having same class parameter so i tried with arial-label that is not working.



Property_beds = response.css('.b6a29bc0::text').extract()

result getting both the variables"Beds","Baths", i want only single variable baths

'Property_beds': [2,3]

But i want to include aria-label="Baths" in response.css(), i tried using below code but the output list is empty

Property_beds = response.css('span.b6a29bc0aria-label[attribute="Beds"]::text').extract()



For single

Property_beds = response.css('span.b6a29bc0[aria-label=Beds]::text').extract()

for multiple nodes use css Or syntax:

response.css('span.b6a29bc0[aria-label=Beds], span.b6a29bc0[aria-label=Studio]').getall()

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