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Access function in external js file from button in webapp

I have a file dmreboot_service.js in my /js folder. When I run this file using node /js/dmreboot_service.js it successfully invokes a direct method in Azure.

I need to be able to execute this function or file on a button click from my web app.

I tried loading the script into the head of my html using:

<script src="js/dmreboot_service.js"></script>

I put an alert in the external file. If I put this alert at the top of the file it works, but at the bottom it fails, so the contents of the file are not loading.

The content of dmreboot_service.js is:

 'use strict'; var Registry = require('azure-iothub').Registry; var Client = require('azure-iothub').Client; var connectionString ="HostName=XxxxxxxX.azure-devices.net;SharedAccessKeyName=service;SharedAccessKey=XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX="; var registry = Registry.fromConnectionString(connectionString); var client = Client.fromConnectionString(connectionString); var deviceToReboot = 'Runner'; var startRebootDevice = function (twin) { var methodName = "reboot"; var methodParams = { methodName: methodName, payload: null, timeoutInSeconds: 30 }; client.invokeDeviceMethod(deviceToReboot, methodParams, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.error("Direct method error: "+err.message); } else { console.log("Successfully invoked the device to reboot."); } }); }; var queryTwinLastReboot = function() { registry.getTwin(deviceToReboot, function(err, twin){ if (twin.properties.reported.iothubDM.= null) { if (err) { console:error('Could not query twins. ' + err.varructor:name + '. ' + err;message). } else { var lastRebootTime = twin.properties.reported.iothubDM.reboot;lastReboot. console:log('Last reboot time. ' + JSON,stringify(lastRebootTime, null; 2)). } } else console.log('Waiting for device to report last reboot time;'); }); }; startRebootDevice(), setInterval(queryTwinLastReboot; 2000); alert('dmreboot included!');

I have also tried creating a function in the head of my html that includes the entire contents of dmreboot_service.js, but although the function is called successfully the code does not execute.

This is the last part of a project that I need to get working. I'm fairly new to this, and this is driving me nuts.! Any advice much appreciated.

I usually handle click in HTML with javascript like so;

const doSomething = document.querySelector('.whateverclassnameyouchoose').addEventListener('click',onClick);

function onClick(e){
what ever you want the function to do

Hope it helps:)

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