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Why isn't Google App engine freeing memory using Node.js

So this post is a two-part question. I am testing out the Google app engine with instance class F4 (Memory: 1024 MB and CPU 2.4GHz with automatic scaling). This is the configuration file found on App engine:

runtime: nodejs10
env: standard
instance_class: F4
  - url: .*
    script: auto
  min_idle_instances: automatic
  max_idle_instances: automatic
  min_pending_latency: automatic
  max_pending_latency: automatic
network: {}

My Nodejs server has normal Post and Get routes that do no heavy lifting aside from serving static files and fetching data from a MongoDB. This is the memory usage graph when using these routes:

图 1.Graph 显示了从这些非重路由获取时在 Google StackDriver 上看到的内存使用情况 Fig 1.Graph showing memory usage as seen on Google StackDriver while navigating from these non-heavy routes

My first question is, why does it require so much ram (around 500mb) for such small tasks?

I am running profiling tests on my Windows 10 machine by using the Chrome Devtools Node.js Memory Profiler and its giving nowhere near these numbers, I am getting around 52MBs when taking Heap Snapshots.

My second question is about a specific route that takes an uploaded file and resizes it into 3 different images using sharp.

Why is Memory not being freed when the resizing is complete despite working as expected on my Windows 10 machine?

I am doing the resizing test on a 10mb image which is converted into a buffer and then stored in memory . The conversion code is as follows:

const resizeAndSave = (buffer, filePath, widthResize, transform) => {
  const { width, height, x, y } = transform;
  //create sharp instance
  const image = sharp(buffer);
  //prepare to upload to Cloud storage
  const file = publicBucket.file(filePath);
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .then(metadata => {
        //do image operations
        const img = image
            width: isEmpty(transform) ? metadata.width : parseInt(width),
            height: isEmpty(transform) ? metadata.height : parseInt(height),
            left: isEmpty(transform) ? 0 : parseInt(x),
            top: isEmpty(transform) ? 0 : parseInt(y)
            metadata.width > widthResize
              ? {
                  width: widthResize || metadata.width,
                  withoutEnlargement: true
              : metadata.height > widthResize
              ? {
                  height: widthResize || metadata.height,
                  withoutEnlargement: true
              : {
                  width: widthResize || metadata.width,
                  withoutEnlargement: true
            quality: 40
        //pipe to cloud storage and resolve filepath when done
          .pipe(file.createWriteStream({ gzip: true }))
          .on("error", function(err) {
          .on("finish", function() {
            // The file upload is complete.
      .catch(err => {

This function is called three times in series for each image, Promise.all was not used to prevent them from running in parallel for the sake of the test:

async function createAvatar(identifier, buffer, transform, done) {
  const dir = `uploads/${identifier}/avatar`;
  const imageId = nanoid_(20);
  const thumbName = `thumb_${imageId}.jpeg`;
  await resizeAndSave(buffer, `${dir}/${thumbName}`, 100, transform);
  const mediumName = `medium_${imageId}.jpeg`;
  await resizeAndSave(buffer, `${dir}/${mediumName}`, 400, transform);
  const originalName = `original_${imageId}.jpeg`;
  await resizeAndSave(buffer, `${dir}/${originalName}`, 1080, {});
  done(null, {
    thumbUrl: `https://bucket.storage.googleapis.com/${dir_}/${thumbName}`,
    mediumUrl: `https://bucket.storage.googleapis.com/${dir_}/${mediumName}`,
    originalUrl: `https://bucket.storage.googleapis.com/${dir_}/${originalName}`
  /* Promise.all([thumb])
    .then(values => {

      done(null, {
        thumbUrl: `https://bucket.storage.googleapis.com/${dir_}/${thumbName}`,
        mediumUrl: `https://bucket.storage.googleapis.com/${dir_}/${mediumName}`,
        originalUrl: `https://bucket.storage.googleapis.com/${dir_}/${originalName}`
    .catch(err => {

      done(err, null);
    }); */

The heap snapshots when running the server on my Window 10 machine are:

图 2.Node.js 的 chrome devtools 的堆快照

Fig 2.Heap snapshots from Chrome devtools for Node.js when navigating to the image resizing route once

These heap snapshots clearly show that the used memory to store the 10mb image in memory and resize it is being returned to the os on My machine.

The memory usage reported on StackDriver is: 图 3. 使用图像大小调整路由时 Google StackDriver 的内存使用情况 Fig 3.Memory usage on Google StackDriver when navigating to the image resizing route once

This clearly shows that the memory is not being freed when the operation is done, and also is very high, starting from around 8 pm, it goes up to 800mb and never drops.

I have also tried the Stackdriver profiler but it doesn't show any high memory usage but in fact, it shows around 55mb which is close to my windows machine:

Fig 4.StackDriver profiler heap shot Fig 4.StackDriver profiler heap snapshot

So if my analysis is correct I am assuming it has something to do with the os the instances in app engine are running on? I have no clue.

Update : this is the latest memory usage obtained from Stackdriver after using the image processing route and not touching the app for an hour:

图 5. 调整大小后让应用闲置一小时时的内存使用情况 Fig 5.Memory usage while leaving the app idle for an hour after navigating to the image resize route

Update 2 : According to Travis suggestion, I looked into the process while navigating to the route and found that the memory usage is slightly higher than the heap but is nowhere near what app engine is showing: 图 6.Windows 10 Nodejs 进程内存 Fig 6.Windows 10 process Nodejs memory while image processign is running

Update 3 : The number of Instances being used at the same time interval as figure 5 (while memory usage is high): 在与图 5 相同的时间间隔内使用的实例数 Fig 7.Number of instances used at the same time interval as figure 5

Update 4: So I tried switching to instance class F1 (256 MB 600 MHz) to see what happens. The results show reduced ram usage when idle but app engine sends a warning saying to upgrade ram when I process the 10mb image. (It shows 2 instances currenltly running). 具有 256MB 内存的 F1 实例类 Fig 8.F1 instance class with 256MB ram when app is idle

This leads me to think that the instances try to occuppy most of the available ram anyway.

Consequently, as a result of the aforementioned comments and your last update (Update 4), we can realize that the difference between:

  • Stackdriver Profiler metrics, which display the average Memory Usage of only the Heap Memory
  • and the GCP metrics, which demonstrate the Total Memory Usage (all the instances)

is an expected behavior.

One way to investigate your Node.js Application Memory Usage is to dive in the concept of the Garbage Collector.

The job of the garbage collector (GC) is to reclaim memory occupied by unused objects (garbage).

Here and here you may find information about the Memory Management and Usage in Node.js

Additionally, Node.js launches GC when it thinks it's necessary. According to this post , an idea to detect a possible memory leak would be to force the Garbage Collector manually and check if the memory is still rising. However this is not a good practice and is not suggested to use in Production, but only as a diagnostic method.

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