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How to align the choices in pickerInput to the center?

I am creating an app using RShiny.

I just found out that I can align the label (Year) of the picker input and centralize it.

However, I am not sure how I can align the choices to the center ('ALL' and the years when I select on the dropdown list.

I tried to add align = "center" into the pickerInput but I got an error.

This is how it looks like at the moment:


This is the code that I am using:

tabPanel("Price Analysis",value="Key Factors",


fluidRow(column(3 ,align = "center",


choices = c("All","2019", "2018","2017",'2016',"2015"),

selected = "All",

options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE),multiple = F))

In your options = list() put

options = list(`dropdown-align-center` = TRUE)

That should get you what you are looking for.

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