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Forelse is not working properly in laravel?

My laravel version is 5.4.36. I want to use forelse to show message when the condition is not meet.

@forelse ($items as $item)
     @if ($item->quantity<$item->minimum_no)
        <span class="label label-danger">Item {{$item->name}} need to be ordered now ! </span>
        <span class="label label-warning">Item {{$item->name}} is low !</span>
   <p>No message</p>

But, it only show the message when the condition is meet. When it is @empty , it does not show anything.

@forelse acts exactly like @foreach with one diff which is @empty command that will works if your array was empty
in the following example if $users was empty then no users will be place:

@forelse ($users as $user)
    <li>{{ $user->name }}</li>
    <p>No users</p>

in your code if $item is empty then <p>No message</p> will be placed and if it has one or more item then if..else... will works

UPDATE depend on your condition if your condition is about item but not items so you need additional variable for checking it at end or something like it:

<?php $elseMsg='<p>No message</p>';?>
@foreach ($items as $item)
     @if ($item->quantity<$item->minimum_no)
        <?php $elseMsg='';?>
        <span class="label label-danger">Item {{$item->name}} need to be ordered now ! </span>
        <?php $elseMsg='';?>
        <span class="label label-warning">Item {{$item->name}} is low !</span>

You have a logical branch that will have no output here (besides the paragraph tags). If the array or collection, iterable, isn't empty and you don't meet the conditions of the if or the elseif in the foreach then you have a path with no defined output.

If you add a else to the if ... elseif ... you should see output:

@if (...)
@elseif (...)
    <span class="label label-info">reached the else</span>

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