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Bootsrap 4: Disable button until modal animation is done

I'm using a Bootstrap 4 modal to show a big navigation. To open the navigation I'm using a toggle button with a CSS animation. The animation changes a hamburger menu icon to an X.

The problem is, that if you click to fast and the modal animation isn't ready, the button gets confused and shows the X even at an already closed menu/modal.

Is there any way to disable the button until the modal animation is ready?

Here's my code:


I saw, that there is a way to listen to the modal animation:

$('#myModal').on('shown', function () {
  // do something… 

But I could not figure out how to implement it in my function.

Here's my actual code: https://codepen.io/cray_code/pen/JjjqRpN

You can just tie toggling of the burger to both show/hide modal events..

var toggleBurger = function () {

$('#nav-modal').on('show.bs.modal', toggleBurger)
$('#nav-modal').on('hide.bs.modal', toggleBurger)


Well you could write it like this

    var isShown = false;
    $('#nav-modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function(){
        isShown = false;
        $("#burger").css("display", "block");

        $('#burger').on('click', function(){
            isShown = true;
            $("#burger").css("display", "none");

    $('#nav-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
       isShown = false;
       $("#burger").css("display", "block");

Sorry if the code kind of messy, but I hope you could understand what I mean. basically I only put some boolean to make sure its showing or not. After that I validate it. If isshown is false then you can't click until isshown true.

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