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R - reshape dataframe with multiple elements in the same cell using reshape2 or dplyr

I need to reorganize a huge dataframe based on the values on the 'UCSC_RefGene_Name' and 'UCSC_RefGene_Group' columns, while maintaining each values from the 'ID' column. It would be possible to achieve this using reshape2 or dplyr packages?

df <- data.frame(ID=c('cg00035864','cg00050873', 'cg00061679', 'cg00063477', 'cg00121626', 'cg00212031'),
UCSC_RefGene_Name=c('TTTY18', 'TSPY4;FAM197Y2', 'DAZ1;DAZ4;DAZ5', 'EIF1AY', 'BCORL2', 'TTTY14'),
UCSC_RefGene_Group = c('TSS1500','Body;TSS1500','Body;Body;Body', 'Body', 'Body', 'TSS200'))

> df
ID  UCSC_RefGene_Name   UCSC_RefGene_Group
cg00035864  TTTY18  TSS1500
cg00050873  TSPY4;FAM197Y2  Body;TSS1500
cg00061679  DAZ1;DAZ4;DAZ4  Body;Body;Body
cg00063477  EIF1AY  Body
cg00121626  BCORL2  Body
cg00212031  TTTY14  TSS200

Some cells contain multiple elements separated by the ";"symbol, so I need to create new rows to accommodate these elements. My new DF would be:

new_df <- data.frame(ID=c('cg00035864','cg00050873', 'cg00050873','cg00061679', 'cg00061679','cg00061679','cg00063477', 'cg00121626', 'cg00212031'),
UCSC_RefGene_Name=c('TTTY18', 'TSPY4','FAM197Y2', 'DAZ1','DAZ4','DAZ5', 'EIF1AY', 'BCORL2', 'TTTY14'),
UCSC_RefGene_Group = c('TSS1500','Body','TSS1500','Body','Body','Body', 'Body', 'Body', 'TSS200'))                  

> new_df

ID  UCSC_RefGene_Name   UCSC_RefGene_Group
cg00035864  TTTY18  TSS1500
cg00050873  TSPY4   Body
cg00050873  FAM197Y2    TSS1500
cg00061679  DAZ1    Body
cg00061679  DAZ4    Body
cg00061679  DAZ5    Body
cg00063477  EIF1AY  Body
cg00121626  BCORL2  Body
cg00212031  TTTY14  TSS200

We can apply separate_rows on the two columns

df %>% 
    separate_rows(UCSC_RefGene_Name, UCSC_RefGene_Group)
#          ID UCSC_RefGene_Name UCSC_RefGene_Group
#1 cg00035864            TTTY18            TSS1500
#2 cg00050873             TSPY4               Body
#3 cg00050873          FAM197Y2            TSS1500
#4 cg00061679              DAZ1               Body
#5 cg00061679              DAZ4               Body
#6 cg00061679              DAZ5               Body
#7 cg00063477            EIF1AY               Body
#8 cg00121626            BCORL2               Body
#9 cg00212031            TTTY14             TSS200

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