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How to render a view in php and twig?

I'm creating a webpage where students and teachers log in, teachers create levels and students can do that level.

I explain, I am using php with twig and I want to render a view passing parameters in a function. I've created a budle called Professors where I have the directory Controllers, Models and Templates.

In templates I have professors.html, where I show some information and a button to create a level for students, and also I have crearNivell.html, where the teacher will be able to create the level. When I'm in the page views professors my URL is this one:


When I click the button "CREATE LEVEL" I want my URL to be like this:


Instead I get this URL, and this one returns me an error.


In Controllers/ProfessorsController.php I have that code:

class ProfessorController extends Controller{

public function process($params)


        $this->getProfessor(); //Here I return the view professor

    }elseif(isset($params[0]) && $params[0] == "crearNivell"){

        $this->twig = "crearNivell.html";


public function getProfessor(){

    $this->twig = "professor.html";


Can someone help me with my code?

When I use var_dump() I get this:


and it should be like that:


I think what you're looking for is the API of Twig .

More specifically, you need the line below to render a template passing some parameters in array:

echo $template->render(['the' => 'variables', 'go' => 'here']);

If you use PHP the fastest way to "print" some content to the browser is echo , so don't hesitate to use it.

I found the answer to the questions a few days ago. I was complicating myself, it's just like this:

First you create the views, in Templates folder.

The $params are refered to the URL. For example:

alumne is the bundle



Then in AlumneController.php put the name of the views without the .html and you show it using $this->twig = "name_Of_The_View.html";

 class AlumneController extends Controller{

    public function process($params)


            /*echo $usuari = $_SESSION["username"];*/

        }else if(isset($params[0]) && $params[0] == "instruccions"){

            $this->twig = "instruccions.html";
            /*echo $usuari = $_SESSION["username"];*/

        }else if(isset($params[0]) && $params[0] == "resultats"){

            $this->twig = "resultats.html";
            /*echo $usuari = $_SESSION["username"];*/


    public function getAlumne(){

        $this->twig = "alumne.html";


And in the button or link you are using to go to the page you write the path in <a href="bundle/view_name">Instruccions</a>

<a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="alumne/instruccions">Instruccions</a>
<a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="alumne/resultats">Resultats</a>

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