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Infinite scroll only works one time

I am building this webapp with React, in which there is a page with posts. I am trying to implement Infinite Scroll functionality manually and it seems to be working only one time.

When I have the last element on my window, it calls the api to fetch more posts, but when I update the state and get to "new" last post, it doesn't fetch any more posts. I believe I am really close to fixing this but I need a little guidance from you guys.

Thanks in advance

Here is my code

 this.props.getPosts(this.state.page); //for the first load of the page 

 this.scrollListener = window.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => {

handleScroll = (e) => {
        let loadMoreElement = document.querySelector('.postGrid > div:last-child');
        var rect = loadMoreElement.offsetTop + loadMoreElement.clientHeight;
        var pageOffset = window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight + 200;
        if(pageOffset > rect && !finished && !this.state.loading) {
            if(!this.state.has_more){ //has_more it's been set by the API when you get to the last page
                finished = true
        } else if (finished){

    loadMore = () => {
        this.setState((prevState) => ({
            page: prevState.page + 1,
            loading: true,

You are setting loading to true in your loadMore method, but one of the conditions to call loadMore again is if the loading is false ( !this.state.loading )

You will need to set loading to false again at some point ( if there is api calls involved ) or just skip the loading:true part if you work with local data.

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