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How can i get name from id table

I have a problem, I need to show my data if the status(String) is 1 in my table PO

This is my PO table

id | book_name            | stock |status
1  | lala land            | 10    | 0
2  | beauty and the beast | 25    | 1
3  | wawasan              | 15    | 1

This that i have tried

..prev code
@if($po->status == '1')
@foreach($po as $p)
     <td> {{$p->book_name) </td>
     <td> {{$p->stok}} </td>

The @if should be inside the @foreach

@foreach($po as $p)
  @if($p->status == '1')
       <td> {{$p->book_name}} </td>
       <td> {{$p->stok}} </td>

Alternatively, you could loop over the filtered collection.

@foreach($po->where('status', 1) as $p)
     <td> {{$p->book_name}} </td>
     <td> {{$p->stok}} </td>

I think if moves well with this

@foreach($po as $p)
  @if($p->status == '1')
       <td>{{ $p->book_name }}</td>
       <td>{{ $p->stok }}</td>

for example your model name is PO,

pass this from controller function use App\PO;

 $data= PO::where('status',1)->get();
 return view('bladefilename',compact('data');

and then in your blade file

 @foreach($data as $datas)
     <td>{{ $datas->book_name }}</td>
     <td>{{ $datas->stok }}</td>

Or perhaps get the po that status is only true to avoid having a logic in your blade.

$po = PO::whereStatus(true)->get() or PO::where('status',true)->get();

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