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React Native Confusion with navigate

Can anyone explain to me the wrong of the word navigate in the below instances please

userByEmail(this.state.Email, navigate) // we call userByEmail ans pass email, but what does navigate do?

here I understand that we are kind of importing/(destructuring this.props) the method createUser from auth which is inside screenProps?? what does navigation: {navigate}} is it just the navigation props?

 const {screenProps: {auth: {createUser}}, navigation: {navigate}} = this.props

lastly what is the difference between these two


I can't do exactly with just some of your code. But if navigate is not a variable, this is wrong.


  • When route is set, navigation props are automatically passed to the connected screen.
  • If it is not set to route directly, the component shall be injected by calling the factor into the HOC provided by the react-navigation .

configuring navigation props

  • navigate : go to another screen, figures out the action it needs to take to do it

  • goBack - close active screen and move back in the stack

  • addListener - subscribe to updates to navigation lifecycle

  • isFocused - function that returns true if the screen is focused and false otherwise.

  • state - current state/routes

  • setParams - make changes to route's params

  • getParam - get a specific param with fallback

  • dispatch - send an action to router

The 'navigate' you want to use is a prop of navigation .

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