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Auth0 - Insufficient scope

I'm using Auth0 in my Node.js application and I'm facing Insufficient scope error when trying to protect any routes in my app.

I've been searching for a while and I found a bunch of similar problem, but couldn't manage to find the solution.

Essentially, in my node app I have to protect a route as follow:

const checkScopes = jwtAuthz(['read:flights']);

However, I always receive Insufficient scope error when adding the middleware to protect my route:

app.get('/api/permission', checkJwt, checkScopes, (req, res) => {
    msg: 'Your access token AND PERMISSION was successfully validated!'

Could you help me please?

you should include a second parameter called "customScopeKey" this way auth0 will use permission instead of scope to validate the user credentials.

use this:

const checkScopes = jwtAuthz(['read:flights'], { customScopeKey: "permissions" });

instead of

const checkScopes = jwtAuthz(['read:flights']);

You can try const checkScopes = jwtAuthz(['read:flights'], { customUserKey: "auth" });

By default, permissions are checked against req.user. However, I noticed in the latest version, req.user is undefined. Instead, the token is under req.auth

You have saved my sanity along with my business. God speed you.

Just to reiterate (with example)...

app.get('/test', jwtCheck, jwtAuthz(['read:generatedLeads'], { customScopeKey: "permissions", customUserKey: "auth" }),  (req, res) => {
    infoLogger.info(FILE_NAME, METHOD, "Health Check is passing...")
    res.status(200).send({health: "Token Accepted"})

Adding customUserKey: "auth" as part of the config for jwtAuthz resolved my issue with "insufficient scope" error.

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