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rxjs how to complete observable?

To learn rxjs im playing around with it. My code:

// RxJS v6+
import { withLatestFrom, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';

const source = interval(1000);

const example = source.pipe(
  map(value => value +1),
  map(value => {
    if(value === 40) {
    else if (value % 5 === 0){
      return 'can devide by 5 we did some magic';
     return value;
  } })
const subscribe = example.subscribe(
  val => console.log(val), 
  error => console.log("Error handled: " , error), 
  () => console.log('resolved'));

My idea was to run it 40 time and than finish the observable (it could be another requirement eg see if the value is 10 at 10:00 (main goal is to do an evaluation with value and force a finish)). Im looking for an alternative to the placeholder finish() because finish does not exist. How can I get to the resolve function () => console.log('resolved') of the subscribe method?

I found How can I complete Observable in RxJS but the answer is from 2015 and im assuming by now there is an answer for the current rxjs version.

Acuatally is still the same you only need to use pipe operator. You can view example here

import { interval, timer } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';

const source = interval(1000);
const timer$ = timer(5000);
const example = source.pipe(takeUntil(timer$));
const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));

both answers mention takeuntil and take are correct but another way is to use the subscription object to unsubscribe it just another option

const subx= example.subscribe(val =>  { 
   if (val == 40) {

demo 🚀

Updated 😎

in case you have a many subscribers and you want to put the condtion that complate a source observable take operator can do the job here

const source = interval(1000).pipe(take(5)); // 👈

source.pipe(map(res => res * 10)).subscribe(val => {
  console.log("🤯", val);

source.subscribe(val => {

demo 👓

My idea was to run it 40 time`

For that you can add take(40) . In general there are several operators like take that can complete an observable. Check out https://www.learnrxjs.io/operators/filtering/take.html

// RxJS v6+
import { withLatestFrom, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';

const source = interval(1000);

const example = source.pipe(
  map(value => value +1),
  map(value => {
    if(value === 40) {
    else if (value % 5 === 0){
      return 'can devide by 5 we did some magic';
     return value;
  } })
const subscribe = example.subscribe(
  val => console.log(val), 
  error => console.log("Error handled: " , error), 
  () => console.log('resolved'));

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