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UIMenuController is not visible in iOS 13.2

I have long press handler that shows UIMenuController , it works as usual on < ios13.2, for example on 13.1 it works fine, but on ios13.2 it's not shown, here's methods that I had:

private func longPressHandler(sender: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
        sender.state == .began,
        let senderView = sender.view,
        let superView = sender.view?.superview
    else {


    UIMenuController.shared.setTargetRect(senderView.frame, in: superView)
    UIMenuController.shared.setMenuVisible(true, animated: true)

private func makeMenuController() {
    UIMenuController.shared.menuItems = [
        UIMenuItem(title: "ui.report".localized, action: ChatCustomMenuItems.report),
        UIMenuItem(title: "ui.chat.reply".localized, action: ChatCustomMenuItems.reply),
        UIMenuItem(title: "ui.action.block".localized, action: ChatCustomMenuItems.block)

In the documentation I've found out that setTargetRect and setMenuVisible are deprecated 在此处输入图像描述

Changing like this, still doesn't help. Any solution?

if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
    UIMenuController.shared.isMenuVisible = true
    UIMenuController.shared.showMenu(from: superView, rect: senderView.frame)
} else {
    UIMenuController.shared.setTargetRect(senderView.frame, in: superView)
    UIMenuController.shared.setMenuVisible(true, animated: true)

I've had exactly the same problem! The problem can be caused by not calling


or calling it before application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method

In my case, I need to call becomeFirstResponder to make the menu showing:


只要确保你没有在你的代码中创建 UIMenuController 的其他实例,就像这样let menu = UIMenuController()

Before that you should override the property like this:

override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool{
        return true

Then it will work.

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