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How can I seed users and roles in my asp.net core 3.1 application?

I tried using protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder) in my IdentityDataContext class and creating a migration that will seed this data:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
        // Customize the ASP.NET Identity model and override the defaults if needed.
        // For example, you can rename the ASP.NET Identity table names and more.
        // Add your customizations after calling base.OnModelCreating(builder);
        const string ADMIN_ID = "b4280b6a-0613-4cbd-a9e6-f1701e926e73";
        const string ROLE_ID = ADMIN_ID;
        builder.Entity<IdentityRole>().HasData(new IdentityRole
            Id = ROLE_ID,
            Name = "admin",
            NormalizedName = "ADMIN"
        builder.Entity<MyIdentityUser>().HasData(new MyIdentityUser
            Id = ADMIN_ID,
            UserName = "myemail@myemail.com",
            NormalizedUserName = "MYEMAIL@MYEMAIL.COM",
            Email = "myemail@myemail.com",
            NormalizedEmail = "MYEMAIL@MYEMAIL.COM",
            EmailConfirmed = true,
            PasswordHash = "AQABBAEABCcQAABAEBhd37krE/TyMklt3SIf2Q3ITj/dunHYr7O5Z9UB0R1+dpDbcrHWuTBr8Uh5WR+JrQ==",
            SecurityStamp = "VVPCRDAS3MJWQD5CSW2GWPRADBXEZINA",
            ConcurrencyStamp = "c8554266-b401-4519-9aeb-a9283053fc58"
        builder.Entity<IdentityUserRole<string>>().HasData(new IdentityUserRole<string>
            RoleId = ROLE_ID,
            UserId = ADMIN_ID

which seems to work, but I cannot access my endpoint in Razor Page decorated with Authorize atribute. It's strange because I have all this data in my database. I can log in as this user and I see that there is "admin" role in AspNetRoles table. I have also user mapped to role correctly in AspNetUserRoles table.

public class IndexModel : PageModel
    public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync()
        return Page();


I'm being redirected to access denied page when logged as the user above which according to database has the admin role.

I saw that some people try to do this seed method in Configure method in Startup class, but I'm currently having trouble with dependency injection when i try to do this with RoleManager and UserManager:

System.InvalidOperationException: No service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.RoleManager`1[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityRole]' has been registered.

I was almost there. It was not obvious at first, but I needed to add .AddRoles<IdentityRole>() line in my Configure method of IdentityHostingStartup.cs file.

It's mentioned at the end of Role-based authorization page from asp.net core 3.1 documentation: link to the documentation

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>


I thought that roles are already taken into consideration and I don't need to explicitly add this functinality.

It should be stated on top of the page that in order to add role-based authorization you need to add .AddRoles<IdentityRole>() to your Configure method. Instead you are presented with many combinations of Authorization attribute and then at the bottom there is a brief paragraph "Add Role services to Identity" which gives no explanation that this is what makes it all to work.

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