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Select Option value id and show other input box in value using javascript & codinator but value is not show

I am using codinator select id show value other input box but not show any values.please help...

select Option view page code here

working fine

<select  id="tanktype" name="tankno" class="form-control tankno" required >
       $queryw = $this->db->where('vh_rdi',$_SESSION['rdi']);
       $queryw = $this->db->get('vh_stock');
       if ($queryw->num_rows() > 0)  
         foreach ($queryw->result() as $roww)
    <option value="<?php echo $roww->vh_id; ?>"><?php echo $roww->vh_id; ?></option>
   <?php } } ?>

Result show view field same page but not show any value

<input   name="vh_stock"  type="text" class="vh_stock" value="">

javaScript code here

alert('ajax completed. Response: '+data) fine but after vh_stock getting value not show

            //Selected value
            var id = $(this).val();
            alert("value in js "+id);

            //Ajax for calling php function
            $.post('<?php echo base_url()."index.php/Mechanical_rdirecived/viewtankstock"; ?>', { dropdownValue: id }, function(data){
                alert('ajax completed. Response:  '+data);//working fine result

                //do after submission operation in DOM
                 $(".vh_stock").val(data.vh_stock); //value is not getting 
              //}, 'json')


controller => Mechanical_rdirecived/viewtankstock

working fine

public function viewtankstock()  

$id = $this->input->post('dropdownValue');



working fine

public function viewtankstock($id) {

$this->db->where('vh_id', $id);  
$query = $this->db->get('vh_stock');
  if ($query->num_rows() > 0)  
   $data['foreach'] = $query->result();
   $id1 = $data['foreach'][0]->vh_id; 
   $vh_stock = $data['foreach'][0]->vh_stock;
   $arr =array("vh_stock"=>"$vh_stock","id1"=>"$id1");
 echo json_encode($arr);


Try this :

<input   name="vh_stock"  type="text" class="vh_stock">

TO :

<input   name="vh_stock"  type="text" class="vh_stock" value="">


controller => Mechanical_rdirecived/viewtankstock

public function viewtankstock()  
     $id = $this->input->post('reg_no');
     $arr = $this->Model_fuel_rdirecived->viewtankstock($id);
     echo json_encode($arr);


public function viewtankstock($id) {
    $this->db->where('vh_id', $id);  
    $query = $this->db->get('vh_stock');

      if ($query->num_rows() > 0)  
       $data['foreach'] = $query->result();

       $id1 = $data['foreach'][0]->vh_id; 

       $vh_stock = $data['foreach'][0]->vh_stock;

       $arr =array("vh_stock"=>"$vh_stock","id1"=>"$id1");
       return $arr;


JavaScript error

            var id = $(this).val();
            $.post('<?php echo base_url()."index.php/Mechanical_rdirecived/viewtankstock"; ?>', { dropdownValue: id }, 

                alert('ajax completed. Response:  '+data);//msg=ajax completed. Response:    {"vh_stock":"600","id1":"4"}

                 $(".vh_stock").val(data.vh_stock);//no recived how can no recived  data
                 $(".id1").val(data.id1); //no recived how can no recived  data



ajax completed. Response:  undefined

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