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Timing an if-statement in JavaScript

My idea is to build a program that is completely timed and runs on it own, without any input from the user. However I want to use if-statements in the form of:

if(height()>10){ do something }

height() itself is a function and does something as well. call() is just another function that has to be invoked but is also timed with setTimeout . I want the return to be invoked after everything in call() is executed. However

function () height() {call(); setTimeout(function() { return client._lastAltitude;},1000);}

does not return the proper value or does not work the way I thought it would. Is it possible to time a return statement so that the if-statement is halted?

--Trying to clarify it now and giving my main code: I do this because I want to give a drone a flypath. I use setTimeout calls to send the move orders and certain timepoints. Because of this I also want to use if-statements that get called at a certain time. However as Javascript is asynchron the usual behaviour would be to instantly run the if-statement as it waits for time to pass to invoke the other functions. But the functions might alter the result of the if-statement. Because of this I want the return of height() to be returned after all the functions are invoked and done. Main code looks like this right now:

function altitude(){
    runList.forEach(function (aufruf){
        aufruf(); });
        client.after(1, function () {
function height() {
    client.after(2, function() { return client._lastAltitude});

But the return statement of height() does not work as intended. after() is like setTimeout just with incrementing offset.

You can do this without setTimeout()

function call() {
  console.log('call called');

function height() {
  let start = new Date().getTime();
  while (new Date().getTime() < start + 1000) {}
  return client._lastAltitude;

if ( height() > 10 ) {

Edit: Note that this will halt your program until height is finished executing. If that's not what you want, you could look at promises as gforce301 suggested.

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