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Toggle only 1 submenu on li ng-click and not allow another li to open

I have a working menu after reading the docs and examples & implementing it with basic ngAnimate - css3 transition but I really don't know how to go about it so bear with me.

  1. how to toggle only 1 li submenu at a time & not let the other one open because it's overflowing
  2. onclick (anywhere if possible) outside of that menu / submenu close the active submenu
  3. my css3 ngAnimate is animating the li elements that don't have subitems, how do i check that and give it the toggle class only if it has subitems?

Here is my html code for menu & i'm using ng-repeat to repeat li & it's submenu from my controller -

<ul class="navigation">
  <div class="" layout="column">
    <li md-ink-ripple="#ebeef4"
        ng-repeat="item in items"
        class="item {{item.id}}"
                  itemClicked = !itemClicked">
        <i class="material-icons md-24 center-icons">{{item.icon}}</i>
      <a class="title" ng-href="#!{{item.route}}">{{item.title}}</a>
        <i class="material-icons md-18 subicon-openstate" id="test-icons">{{item.subicon}}</i>
      <ul class="submenu" id="submenu-item-hover" ng-if="itemClicked">
        <li ng-repeat="subItem in item.subItems" class="subItem">
          <a href="#!{{subItem.subroute}}">{{subItem.title}}</a>

you can see i'm using ng-if on the submenu ie 2nd ul to check if it's clicked and when it returns true it uses this css code -

#submenu-item-hover.ng-enter {
  transition: all ease-in 0.3s;
  height: 0px;
  opacity: 0;

#submenu-item-hover.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
  height: 144px;
  opacity: 1;

#submenu-item-hover.ng-leave {
  height: 144px;
  opacity: 1;

#submenu-item-hover.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
  transition: all ease-in 0.3s;
  height: 0px;
  opacity: 0;

But the problem is it opens/closes fine if i click on only 1 of the li with subitems but when i click on the 2nd one that also opens causing overflow vertically(sidenav) And if i click on the li which has no submenu that also opens to 144px height :s so how do i go about it?. Also lastly how to write onclick (outside menu function) to toggle(close) the active submenu.

edit- adding controller file too

controller -

 app.controller('NavigationController', function($scope) { $scope.states = {}; $scope.states.activeItem = ''; $scope.items = [{ id: 'item1', title: 'Dashboard', icon: 'dashboard', subicon: 'arrow_drop_down', route: 'dashboard', subItems: [{ title: 'Page Visitors', subroute: 'page-visitors', }, { title: 'Post Performace', subroute: 'post-performance', }, { title: 'Team Overall', // subroute: '/team-overall', } ] }, { id: 'item2', title: 'Calendar', icon: 'calendar_today', }, { id: 'item3', title: 'Inbox', icon: 'inbox', subicon: 'unfold_more', subItems: [{ title: 'New Mail', // subroute: '/new-mail', }, { title: 'Scoial', // subroute: '/new-social', }, { title: 'Updates', // subroute: '/new-updates', } ] }, { id: 'item4', title: 'Invoicing', icon: 'insert_drive_file', }, { id: 'item5', title: 'Lab / Experimental', icon: 'build', }]; });

You are sharing the itemClicked var across all <li> 's which is causing them all to open. I suggest leveraging your activeItem variable you are already setting. For example:

<ul class="navigation">
  <div class="" layout="column">
    <li md-ink-ripple="#ebeef4"
        ng-repeat="item in items"
        class="item {{item.id}}"
        <i class="material-icons md-24 center-icons">{{item.icon}}</i>
      <a class="title" ng-href="#!{{item.route}}">{{item.title}}</a>
        <i class="material-icons md-18 subicon-openstate" id="test-icons">{{item.subicon}}</i>
      <ul class="submenu" id="submenu-item-hover" ng-if="states.activeItem === item.title">
        <li ng-repeat="subItem in item.subItems" class="subItem">
          <a href="#!{{subItem.subroute}}">{{subItem.title}}</a>

Furthermore I would set a function for you ng-click so you can do a little more logic around if you want the click to register or not based on if there are sub-items. For example

<li md-ink-ripple="#ebeef4"
        ng-repeat="item in items"
        class="item {{item.id}}"
$scope.toggleSubNav(item) {
  if (item.subItems) {
    $scope.states.activeItem = item.title;

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