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Firebase realtime:How to update particular value of child in Firebase Database javascript

I want to update isseen value to true when the sender is equal to "5" in below code. How can I update value of issen to true . My database structer is as below:

isseen: "false"
message: "hi"
receiver: "OX0pReHXfXUTq1XnOnTSX7moiGp2"
sender: "5"
time: "16:23:22 12/12/2019"

isseen: "false"
message: "hi"
receiver: "OX0pReHXfXUTq1XnOnTSX7moiGp2"
sender: "7"
time: "17:17:22 12/12/2019"

i try this code but she only update one value of the first instance in my chat table and me i want to update the value of isseen to true when the sender equal to 5

  SetSeen = ()=>{

    var db = firebase.database();
    var currentUser = firebase.auth().currentUser|| '';
    var query=   db.ref("Chats/"+currentUser.uid).orderByChild("sender").equalTo(this.props.inBox.inBox|| '');
query.once("child_added", function(snapshot) {
  snapshot.ref.update({isseen: "true" })

can somebody help me

Change this:

    var query=   db.ref("Chats/"+currentUser.uid).orderByChild("sender").equalTo(this.props.inBox.inBox|| '');

into this:

    var query=   db.ref("Chats").orderByChild("sender").equalTo("5");

Add reference at node Chats then orderByChild will be able to access the attribute sender , and you can use equalTo to retrieve the data that you want

The reason your code only works for the first instance in your chat table is because you subscribe to the child_added event only once:

query.once("child_added", function(snapshot) {

Changing this to on(...) will re-trigger the function for each matching result.

query.on("child_added", function(snapshot) {

If possible, I would change your code so that the update to each isseen value is atomic (all-or-nothing) and make use of promises to track any errors. This can be achieved using the following code:

SetSeen = () => {
    const senderId = this.props.inBox.inBox;
    const currentUser = firebase.auth().currentUser;

    // fail-fast error handling
    if (!senderId) {
      return Promise.reject(new Error('Sender required'));
    } else if (!currentUser) {
      return Promise.reject(new Error('User required'));

    // prepare query
    var db = firebase.database();
    var query = db.ref("Chats/"+currentUser.uid).orderByChild("sender").equalTo(senderId);

    return query.once("value")
      .then(queryResults => {
        if (!queryResults.hasChildren()) {
          return; // no results, nothing to update

        var pendingUpdates = {};

        // add each value to be updated
        queryResults.forEach((chatSnapshot) => {
          pendingUpdates[chatSnapshot.key + "/isseen"] = "true";

        // commit changes
        return queryResults.ref.update(pendingUpdates);

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