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Unabled to SSH into Amazon EC2 instance

I have created AWS free tier account for practicing certification. I am facing issue in SSHing to the instance from laptop and the browser based EC2 CLI.

I am using the ssh command shown in connect manual.

I changed the outgoing rule for security group to custom to point to my ip but got same results.
(Custom) SSH, TCP, 22,19x.xx.xx.xx/32

(Anywhere) SSH, TCP, 22,, ::/0

I tried the same in couple in other availability zone but could not ssh.

question is not clear prassank... if you are trying to access from your machine to aws ec2. Please allow your ISP(Internet service provider) ip into inbound rule of security group. Please do not open to all. as it is breaching the security to your system.

In case of you are not able.please do let me know.

The AWS Free Tier is a pricing discount. It has no impact on how your services operate, so is not relevant for your situation.

Things to check when trying to SSH into the EC2 instance:

  • The EC2 instance should be in a public subnet
  • You should connect using the EC2 instance's public IP address
  • The Security Group associated with the EC2 instance should permit:
    • Inbound access from your IP address on port 22
    • It is recommended to leave the default outbound access to permit ALL traffic on ALL ports

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