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Query in Sparql to get data of a person

I would like to have a list of all mountains names of the "dbo:firstAscentPerson" property of Lionel Terray (dbpedia: http://dbpedia.org/page/Lionel_Terray ).


This below is what I have so far

select ?person ?firstAscentPerson  where {
?person foaf:name "Lionel Terray"@en.
dbo:firstAscentPerson  rdfs:label ?firstAscentPerson.

} LIMIT 100

The following query does what you need:

SELECT ?mountain ?mountainName ?person2 ?person2Name {
    VALUES ?person1Name {"Lionel Terray"@en}

    ?mountain dbo:firstAscentPerson ?person1, ?person2 .
    ?mountain rdfs:label ?mountainName .
    ?person1 foaf:name ?person1Name .
    FILTER (lang(?mountainName) = "en")
    OPTIONAL {?person2 foaf:name ?person2Name . FILTER (lang(?person2Name) = 'en')}


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