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Expected RBRACE error in WordPress style.css

I am using WordPress 5.3.1 and I am getting the issue in css while creating a grid.

Expected RBRACE



This is the code I am using. It's working on local server but getting the issue on WordPress style.css

.cp-seeWrapper ul {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
      grid-gap: 10px;

Would you help me out with a solution?

Here is the code. Hope it will help you. If any changes please let me know.Use grid: 50% 50% / repeat(2, 50%); . It solves your problem.


 .exclusive-content ul{ display: grid; grid: 50% 50% / repeat(2, 50%); justify-content: center; grid-gap: 10px; }
 <div class="exclusive-content"> <ul> <li>Hello</li> <li>Hello</li> </ul> </div>

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