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Firebase Query (multiple value)

How do I perform a query in firebase with multiple query? Which mean I like to give multiple value to compare in database and get the match result.

var db = firebase.firestore();
    var routeRef = db.collection("RouteInfo");
    var queryResult = routeRef.where(("origin", "==", origin1) && ("destination", "==", destination1) && ("departureDate","==" , departureDate1 )).get().then(function(snapshot){
            $("#routeResult").append(/*something inside to show the match result*/);
        console.log("Error fetting documents: ", error);

Sorry I had no experience in web development.

There is no way you can add multiple where() function calls using && operator. So to solve this, please change the following line of code:

var queryResult = routeRef.where(("origin", "==", origin1) &&
    ("destination", "==", destination1) &&
    ("departureDate","==" , departureDate1 )).get().then(function(snapshot){/* ... */}


var queryResult = routeRef.where(("origin", "==", origin1)
    .where("destination", "==", destination1)
    .where("departureDate","==" , departureDate1)).get().then(function(snapshot){/* ... */}

Chaining multiple where() functions, as explained above, works perfectly fine when it comes to Firestore.

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