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How to save MS Outlook attachments from specific sender and date using Python

I am a bit new to coding and I am trying to understand how to get Python to save MS Outlook attachments from a specific sender. I currently receive the same email from the same person each day regarding data that I need to save to a specific folder. Below are the requirements I am trying to meet:

  1. I want to open MS Outlook and search for specific sender
  2. I want to make sure that the email that I am opening from the specific sender is the most current date
  3. I want to save all attached files from this sender to a specific folder on my desktop

I have seen some posts on using win32com.client but have not had much luck getting it to work with MS Outlook. I will attach some code I have tried below. I appreciate any feedback!

import win32com.client
for message in messages:
    attachments = message.attachments
    for attachment in attachments:

You almost got it, add filter to the sender email address

import win32com.client

Outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
olNs = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Inbox = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(6)

Filter = "[SenderEmailAddress] = '0m3r@email.com'"

Items = Inbox.Items.Restrict(Filter)
Item = Items.GetFirst()

for attachment in Item.Attachments:

Python 3.8 on windows

def saveAttachments(email:object):
        for attachedFile in email.Attachments: #iterate over the attachments
                        filename = attachedFile.FileName
                        attachedFile.SaveAsFile("C:\\EmailAttachmentDump\\"+filename) #Filepath must exist already
                except Exception as e:

for mailItem in inbox.Items:
        #Here you just need to bould your own conditions
        if mailItem.Sender == "x" or mailItem.SenderName == "y":

The actual conditions you can change to your liking. I would recommend referring to the Object model for Outlook MailItem objects: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/vba/api/outlook.mailitem Specifically its Properties

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