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Scala, covariant type definition

I have a set of classes inheriting from Step[I, O] where I is the input and O the output. I would like to define a more specific subclass that don't care about the I .

Here a my definitions :

trait Step[I, O] {
  def apply(c:Context, i:I):Either[Error, O]

// H : Action handler
// A : Action handled by H
// R : Result of successful A
class Legacy[H, A <: Action[H], R](action: A with Result[R], handler: H) extends Step[Any, R] {
  override def apply(c:Context, a: Any): Either[Error, R] = {

But those steps are chained trough a DSL that use the output O of a step as the input I of the next one.

// DSL excerpt
class AndThenBuilder[I] {
  def andThen[O](producer: (Context, I) => Step[I, O]) = ???

val intToString:Step[Int, String] = //new SubType of Step
val legacy:Step[Any, String] = // new Legacy( action with Result[String])

execute(intToString) // return AndThenBuilder[String]
 .andThen((_:Context, s:String)=>legacy)

The last line, does not compile because the DSL verify the type:

Required : (Context, String) => Step[String, NotInferedO]

Found : (Context, String) => Step[Any, String]

I guess that changing Step[I, O] to Step[I_Or_Subtypes, O] would solve my issue. But I cannot find the syntax to define it in Step or Legacy , each attempt give me a more cryptic message.

Can someone help me to change my code so that Step[Any, String] will be accepted as a Step[String, String] . (I can change Any by other types) ?


so that Step[Any, String] will be accepted as a Step[String, String]

This needs the first parameter to be contra -variant, not covariant as in your title. And the syntax is

trait Step[-I, O] { ... }

And as it happens, I can be contravariant, but not covariant, because it's used as a method argument type. While O can be covariant, but can't be contravariant.

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