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Angular SSR with Nrwl/Nx - external library calls document.getElementById

In a current project I am implementing Angular server side rendering on a Nrwl/Nx workspace. I went strictly after these guidelines from Nrwl. Everything works fine until running the node application. The project contains an external library called Plotly.js which unfortunately utilizes the document . It throws the following error

    var style = document.getElementById(id);
ReferenceError: document is not defined

Plotly.js is imported in the lazy-loaded NgModule

import * as PlotlyJS from 'plotly.js/dist/plotly.js';
import { PlotlyModule } from 'angular-plotly.js';
PlotlyModule.plotlyjs = PlotlyJS;

Of course in SSR the document is not available. Plotly.js is only used in a lazy loaded route. I've tried to guard this route to be only available on isPlatformBrowser but that does not solve the problem. Maybe there is the possibility to add a "fake" document or something like that?

Do you have any ideas? Thanks and cheers!

Most important you need is: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/9b9116c79d626b6356f3dfe0d48c9d990ac412a2/packages/platform-browser/src/browser.ts#L100

But im to low experienced to show you how to make custom BrowserModule.withServerTransition() You can read documentation and try by your self.

Here you have sollution how to import librarys to component using ngAfterViewInit() : https://stackoverflow.com/a/51150552/6310260

Because you want to manipulate styles. This is one of a way it will work on SSR:


<div [ngStyle]="setStyle(item.img)"></div>


setStyle(imgUrl: string) {
    return {
      'background-image': `url('${imgUrl}')`,
      'background-position': 'center',
      'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
      'background-size': 'cover'

Second one: try "lifecycle-hook" ngAfterViewInit() .

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