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Light/Dark Theme Toggle

I am trying to create an HTML page that on a button click, the theme changes from dark to light.

The issue I have is with the menu icons. If you change to dark theme, and then open and close the menu, the light and dark theme menu icon show or the pop out menu won't have anything displayed inside of it, even the menu icon to close the menu.

Am I doing something wrong here?

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="JS/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js"></script>

@font-face {font-family:"Poppins";src: url("../FONT/Poppins/pxiEyp8kv8JHgFVrJJnecmNE.woff2") format('woff2');}
html, body {font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;overflow: hidden;}
p {font-weight: 400;}
a {text-decoration: none; }
.dark {color: #ececec;background: rgb(22,22,22);}
#darkend {cursor: pointer;outline: none;border: none;width: 2vh;float: right;}
.header {width: 100%;height: 15%;display: inline-block;}
.header_menu {width: 5%;height: 100%;float: left;display: inline-block;}
.header_logo {width: 60%;height: 100%;float: left;display: inline-block;}
.header_search {width: 30%;height: 100%;float: left;display: inline-block;}
.header_theme {width: 5%;height: 100%;float: left;display: inline-block;}
.wrapper {display: none;position: absolute;z-index: 50;width: 20%;height: 105%;background: rgb(22,22,22);transition: all 0.3s;}
#sidebarOpen {background: inherit;border: none;cursor: pointer;}
#sidebarOpenWhite {display: none;background: inherit;border: none;cursor: pointer;}
.sidemenu-info {background: rgb(22,22,22);cursor: pointer;border: none;}
.sidebar-header {background: rgb(27,27,27); width: 100%; height: 20%;}
#sidebar a {color: #ececec;}
.sidebar-header-main {width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; display: inline-block;}
.sidebar-header-main-account-image {width: 50%; height: 100%; position: relative; display: inline-block; float: left;}
.sidebar-header-main-account-image img {width: 50%; height: 100%; border-radius: 50%; margin-top: 5%; margin-left: 2.5%;}
.sidebar-header-main-account-name {width: 50%; height: 100%; position: relative; display: inline-block; float: left;}
.main {width: 100%;height: 1250px;position: relative;}


<div class="wrapper">
    <nav id="sidebar">
        <button type="button" id="sidebarClose" class="sidemenu-info"><img src="Media/menu_icon_white.png" width="25"></button>
        <a href="#"><div class="sidebar-header"><div class="sidebar-header-main"><div class="sidebar-header-main-account-image"><img src="MEDIA/account-picture-placeholder.png"></div><div class="sidebar-header-main-account-name"><span> FIRST.LAST </span></div></div></div></a>

<div class="header">
    <div class="header_menu"><button type="button" id="sidebarOpen" class="menu-info"><img src="Media/menu_icon.png" width="25"></button><button type="button" id="sidebarOpenWhite" class="menu-info"><img src="Media/menu_icon_white.png" width="25"></button></div>
    <div class="header_logo">
    <p style="float: right; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto;">Insert Logo Here</p>
    <div class="header_search">
    <p style="float: right; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto;">Insert Search Bar Here</p>
    <div class="header_theme"><input type="image" src="MEDIA/darkmode.png" id="darkend"></input><input type="image" src="MEDIA/lightmode.png" id="lightend"></input></div>







to switch from one theme to another use different style tag

sample code:

 (function( ColorThem ) { let themes = document.querySelectorAll('style.theme') , current = 0 ; themes.forEach((st, i)=>st.disabled=(i!==current)) ; ColorThem.switch = function( ) { current = ++current % themes.length themes.forEach((st, i)=>st.disabled=(i!==current)) } }(window.ColorThem=window.ColorThem || {})); document.querySelector('#bt-theme-switch').onclick = ColorThem.switch; /* document.querySelector('#theme-Light').disabled = true; document.querySelector('#theme-Dark').disabled = false; */
 <style class='theme' id='theme-Dark' > body { background-color: darkslategrey;} p { color: yellow;} </style> <style class='theme' id='theme-Light' > body { background-color:floralwhite;} p { color: black;} </style> <p> some things </p> <button id="bt-theme-switch"> switch theme </button>

For icons, you can use empty divs and style them with css with width, height and background (image and position) attributes (do this instead of putting the images via html). Then in the jquery, as you did for the rest, use on click functions to add/remove a class that has another background styling.

I don't know but this code is refactored from @Mister Jojo, not quite what's the difference, I happened to find a hard time understand his.

 const switchButton = document.getElementById('button-switch') const themeStyles = document.querySelectorAll('style.theme') switchButton.addEventListener('click', toggleTheme) themeStyles[0].disabled = true function toggleTheme() { themeStyles.forEach(x => { x.disabled = !x.disabled }) }
 <style class='theme --dark'> body { background: black; color: white; } </style> <style class='theme --light'> body { background: white; color: black; } </style> <p> paragraph </p> <button id="button-switch"> switch theme </button>

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