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Total data is not getting filled in exceljs excel sheet in nodejs

I have a report task in which all data should fill in an excel file and it should be sent by mail to customers from the backend side. I have used excel.js to write an excel file and it is working fine with fewer data. If data is more like 2000 or more than that obj then all data is not getting filled in excel file. following is the example which what I have tried.

Below is the API in which.

    if(!req.query.ids) return res.send({'message':'Please send ID as query',statusCode:2});
    let ids = req.query.ids.split(',');
    var workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
    let type = req.params.type
    workbook.creator = ' 32';
    workbook.lastModifiedBy = '321';
    workbook.created = new Date();
    workbook.modified = new Date();
    workbook.views = [{
            x: 0, y: 0, width: 10000, height: 20000,
            firstSheet: 0, activeTab: 1, visibility: 'visible'
    var reportWorkSheet = workbook.addWorksheet( req.params.type +' Report', {
        pageSetup: { paperSize: 9, orientation: 'landscape' }
    if(type === 'customers'){
        userCustomerReport(req,res ,ids , reportWorkSheet ,workbook );
    } else if(type === 'interactions'){
        userInteractionReport(req ,res, ids , reportWorkSheet ,workbook , req.params.fromDate , req.params.toDate);
    } else if(type === 'allocations'){
        userAllocationReport(req ,res,ids , reportWorkSheet ,workbook);
    } else return res.send({'message':'Please check the request type',statusCode:2});

commonColomns = () => ([
    { header: 'Customer Name', key: 'cName', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } },
    { header: 'Customer Phone', key: 'cPhone', width: 35, style: { font: { size: 12 } } },
    { header: 'Customer Email', key: 'cEmail', width: 35, style: { font: { size: 12 } } },
    { header: 'Customer Company Name', key: 'cCompName', width: 18, style: { font: { size: 12 } } },
    { header: 'Assigned to name', key: 'assignedTName', width: 18, style: { font: { size: 12 } } },
    { header: 'Assigned from name ', key: 'assignedFName', width: 20, style: { font: { size: 12 } } }

// here i am generation all JSON data .

function  userInteractionReport(req ,res , ids ,reportWorkSheet , workbook , fromDate , toDate) {
    let idString = req.query.ids.split(',');
    let id =[];
    idString.forEach(element => {id.push(new ObjectID(element));});
        { $match:{$or: [{"assigned.toId":{$in:id}},{"assigned.fromId":{$in:id}}] ,createdTimeStamp : {$gte:Number(fromDate),$lt:Number(toDate)}} },
        { "$project": {
            "assigned": 1,
            "type": 1,
            "priority": 1,
            "customer": 1,
            "customFields": 1,
            "dateTime": 1,
            "length": { "$size": "$customFields" }
        { "$sort": { "length": -1 } },
            return res.send({'message':'No data found',statusCode:1 , "data":0})
        let columns = commonColomns();
            columns.push({ header: 'type', key: 'type', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            columns.push({ header: 'priority', key: 'priority', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            columns.push({ header: 'Company Address', key: 'cAddress', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            columns.push({ header: 'Key Decision Maker Name', key: 'kdm', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            columns.push({ header: 'Key Decision Maker Phone', key: 'kdmPhone', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            columns.push({ header: 'Date', key: 'dateTime', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            columns.push({ header: 'Notes', key: 'notes', width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            for (let i = 0; i < interactions[0].customFields.length; i++) {
                columns.push({ header: interactions[0].customFields[i].dName , key: interactions[0].customFields[i].dName, width: 25, style: { font: { size: 12 } } });
            reportWorkSheet.columns = columns;
            interactions.forEach(interaction => {
                let  assignedTo  = interaction.assigned.toName ? interaction.assigned.toName : '';
                let  assignedFrom  = interaction.assigned.fromName ? interaction.assigned.fromName : '';
                let  companyName = interaction.customer.company ? interaction.customer.company.name : '';
                let  cAddress ;
                let  kdm,kdmPhone ;
                    let companyAddress = interaction.customer.company.address ;           
                    cAddress = companyAddress.street ? companyAddress.street+' ,' : '' ;
                    cAddress = cAddress + (companyAddress.city ? companyAddress.city + ' ,' :'' );
                    cAddress = cAddress + (companyAddress.state ? companyAddress.state +' ,' :'') ;
                    cAddress = cAddress+ (companyAddress.country ? companyAddress.country+' ,':'') ;
                    cAddress = cAddress + (companyAddress.pincode ? companyAddress.pincode +' ,' :'');                    

                    kdm = interaction.customer.company.kdm.fName;
                    kdmPhone =  interaction.customer.company.kdm.phone;

                let row = {
                    cName:interaction.customer.fName || '' + ' '+interaction.customer.lName || '',
                    cPhone : interaction.customer.phone.join(','),
                    assignedTName : assignedTo,
                    assignedFName : assignedFrom,
                    cEmail : interaction.email || ' ',
                    source : interaction.source || '',
                    type : interaction.type || '',
                    dateTime : interaction.dateTime ? new Date(interaction.dateTime) : '',
                    notes : interaction.notes || '',
                    priority : interaction.priority === 1 ? "High" : interaction.priority === 2 ? "Medium" : interaction.priority === 3 ? "Low" : " " ,
                    status : interaction.status||'',
                    cCompName : companyName,
                    cAddress : cAddress,
                    kdm :kdm,

                for (let i = 0; i < interaction.customFields.length; i++) {
                    row[interaction.customFields[i].dName] = interaction.customFields[i].type === "dateTime" ? moment(interaction.customFields[i].value).format('l, h:mm:ss a')  : interaction.customFields[i].value || " ";

            return interactions;
        writeWorkbook(workbook , req);
        res.send({"messgae":"report send sucessfully" , "statusCode":0 ,"data":""})

function writeWorkbook(workbook , req) {
    .then(function () {
        console.log("report send successfully ");

After writing the excel file attaching it to mail and sending it.

Try streaming:

 // pipe from stream
 const workbook = new Excel.Workbook()
 workbook.useSharedStrings = false


However, Memory management seems to be an ongoing issue with this library (as of the time of this answer). See this github issue for reference:

https://github.com/exceljs/exceljs/issues/709 and these related issues

You may want to use another library to handle massive excel files (like this one: Node-libxl . This extenesion is a paid extension btw).

If you can use Python, you can also try OpenPyxl

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