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Binding: Property not found. MVVM

I am trying to bind properties of views in the view page to a class that I have in a carpet called ViewModel, and then from an instance of another class called calculator (a model) in a carpet called Model I am trying to access to properties contained there, the problem is that it does not seem to work; in the output section, I get the following message: Binding: 'N2' property not found on 'XamForms.ViewModel.MainPageViewModel' . Where N2 is a property of the Model class "calculator". I will explain it with more details in the code:

MainPage.xaml code:

    Text="{Binding calculator.N1}"
    Text="{Binding calculator.N2}"
    Command="{Binding Operations}"

The binding to Operations works, since it is in the ViewModelPage and not in the calculator (model) one, as you will see.

MainPage.xaml.cs code:

public MainPage()
    MainPageViewModel mainPageViewModel = new MainPageViewModel();
    this.BindingContext = mainPageViewModel;

MainPageViewModel code:

class MainPageViewModel
    public Command Operations { get; set; }
    public Calculator calculator;
    public MainPageViewModel()
        Operations = new Command(DoOperations);
        calculator = new Calculator();

    private void DoOperations()
        calculator.Division = calculator.N1 / calculator.N2;
        //Here is where I get the message, N1 and N2 are null, but they should have the values that I 
        //inserted on the entry, the binding to Division is also incorrect.

Calculator (Model) code:

class Calculator : INotifyPropertyChanged

private decimal n1;
public decimal N1
        return n1;
        n1 = Convert.ToDecimal(value);

private decimal n2;
public decimal N2
        return n2;
        n2 = Convert.ToDecimal(value);

private decimal division;
public decimal Division
        return division;
        division= Convert.ToDecimal(value);

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
     PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

I am studying Xamarin Forms and MVVM so it is probably an easy mistake, but I can't find it and all the related solutions that I have found are too complex for my actual level so I can't extrapolate them. If you need more information I will give it as soon as I see it, thanks for your time, have a good day.

the binding of Operations works, because it is declared as property (with getter and setter): public Command Operations { get; set; } public Command Operations { get; set; }

public Calculator calculator; is a simple field . Bindings don't support fields. Make it a property :

public Calculator calculator { get; set; }

In Model 'Calculator' for properties N1 and N2 you need to call "OnPropertyChanged" in set part of property.


private decimal n2;
public decimal N2
       return n2;
       n2 = Convert.ToDecimal(value);

You need to make Calculator class as 'public'

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