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Razor page property gets empty on handler call

I am using ASP.NET Core and have the following MyPage.cshtml :

@model MyServer.Pages.MyPageModel
    ViewData["Title"] = "MyPage";


@foreach (var sub in Model.Items)
        <input type="checkbox" id="isSelected" checked="@sub.Value" />
        <label for="isSelected"><strong>@sub.Key</strong></label>

<a asp-page-handler="Save">Save</a>

And the following MyPage.cshtml.cs :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;

namespace MyServer.Pages
    public class MyPageModel : PageModel
        public Dictionary<string, bool> Items = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
        public void OnGet()
            Items.Add("Item 1", true);
            Items.Add("Item 2", false);
            Items.Add("Item 3", false);
            Items.Add("Item 4", false);
            Items.Add("Item 5", true);

        public void OnGetSave()
            Console.WriteLine("Save button clicked!!");

My goal is to trigger the Save() method when the Save element is clicked. But currently it "clears out" the other data on the page:

How do I create a button element to trigger a Save() method to save the state of my data?

My goal is to trigger the Save() method when the Save element is clicked. But currently it "clears out" the other data on the page

As @MikeBrind mentioned, please put them in a form and specify name attribute for your inputs, like below.

<form method="post">
    @foreach (var sub in Model.Items)
            <input type="checkbox" id="isSelected" checked="@sub.Value" name="@sub.Key" />
            <label for="isSelected"><strong>@sub.Key</strong></label>

    <button asp-page-handler="Save">Save</button>

Then you can access selected items from Request.Form collection and use RedirectToPage method(s) to redirect to current page or a specified page, like below.

public IActionResult OnPostSave()
    var fb = Request.Form;

    var selected_items = string.Join(",", fb.Keys.ToList().Take(fb.Keys.Count - 1));

    //code logic to save selected items

    Console.WriteLine("Save button clicked!!");

    return RedirectToPage();

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