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How to disable the render function in jquery datatable with condition?

I have shown my datatable jquery below.

 $(document).ready(function () {
    'student Details',
       { "data": "StudentName", "name": "StudentName", "autoWidth": true },
         "orderable": false,
         "searchable": false,
         "className": 'text-right',
         "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
            return '<a class="btn" href="UserLevels/' + full.StudentName+ '">Details</button>' +
                   '<a class="btn" href = "UserLevels/' + full.StudentName+ '/Edit">Edit</a>'; 


Here i want to disable the buttons (Details,Edit) inside the <a> tag when the studentName is "Admin". Any ideas ???

Instead of disabling the button, don't bind it if StudentName is Admin . You can check StudentName before bind buttons like below:

"render": function(data, type, full, meta) {
  if (full.StudentName != 'Admin') {
    return '<a class="btn" href="UserLevels/' + full.StudentName + '"> Details </button>' +
           '<a class="btn" href = "UserLevels/' + full.StudentName + '/Edit"> Edit </a>';
  } else
    return '';

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