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Modelisation of a blockchain

I would like to model a blockchain in UML. Here are the requirements that I came up with:

  • User can transfer money
  • Money can be transferred from a bank account to a digital wallet
  • Money can be transferred from a digital wallet to a bank account
  • Money can be transferred to a user (from the contact list)
  • User can consult the balance of his portfolio

Here my UML class diagram:


Since I am new to the blockchain technology, I would like to know: is this diagram correct? Did I miss something?

I'm not a blockchain expert. However, I can give you feedback on your diagram:

  • When you use verbs to label the association indicate the direction it should be read.
  • Owner and Contact are Users (Specialization)
  • Users are organized in a hierarchy (One to many relation between users). I'm not sure that this is your intent. I suppose that you wanted to indicate that an Owner can have several Contacts .
  • It is not clear what Money is: is it a all the money a user have ? Or is it a blockchain entry (transaction) ? Make sure that the associations are in line with your definition.
  • One Money instance can be transferred to several Bank Account . Not sure it's your intent.
  • Is it normal that a Wallet doesn't have a User or an Owner ?

In addition, I miss the following basic elements of the technology: the block, the chain fo blocks, the (decentralised) ledger(s), and the transactions ?

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