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Word found unreadable content error when opening file

I am facing an error " Word found unreadable content in abc.docx. Do you want to recover the content of this document? " while opening the Word (.docx) file.

I have tried with all the solutions given on the Internet but no success on this. Below is my code for writing the content into the stream.

private void test()
            using (MemoryStream one = await db.DownloadFile("templates", "one.docx"))
                using (MemoryStream two = await db.DownloadFile("templates", "two.docx"))
                    using (MemoryStream newStream = new MemoryStream())
                        editingMemoryStream.Position = 0;

                        using (WordprocessingDocument mainDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(one, true))
                            using (WordprocessingDocument newDoc =
                                WordprocessingDocument.Open(newStream, true))
                                Generate(modal, new, main, report);
private void Generate(List<modal> mo, WordprocessingDocument new, MemoryStream report)
     var main = new.MainDocumentPart;
     modal = mo[0];

     AddTableToBody(report, modal.table, mo);        

public void AddTableToBody(MemoryStream temp, dailyReport,
                    MainDocumentPart main)
            using (WordprocessingDocument newDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(editingMemoryStream, true))
                WP.Body body= dailyReport.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body;
                var main = dailyReport.MainDocumentPart;
                //* some code is here*//

                var clone = dailyReport.CloneNode(true);
                main.Document.Body.AppendChild(new WP.Paragraph(new WP.Run(clone)));

The file contains 2 tables with some labels.

Looking at your code, it looks like you are adding a w:body element ( Body instance) to a w:r element ( Run instance) in the following two lines of code:

var clone = dailyReport.CloneNode(true);
main.Document.Body.AppendChild(new WP.Paragraph(new WP.Run(clone)));

In the above excerpt, clone is a Body instance ( w:body element) with all its child elements. I can only assume parent is the MainDocumentPart of some other WordprocessingDocument . You are appending a new Paragraph ( w:p ) with one w:r ( Run ) and one w:body ( Body ) with whatever children the latter has. This is invalid Open XML and most probably the reason why Word complains.

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