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Combine multiple observables in to a single RxJS stream

It appears I am lacking knowledge on which RxJS operator to resolve the following problem:

In my music application, I have a submission page (this is like a music album). To load the submission, I use the following query:

this.submissionId = parseInt(params['album']);

if (this.submissionId) {
    id: this.submissionId
  }).valueChanges.subscribe((submission) => {
      //submission loaded here!

Easy enough! However, once I've loaded the submission , I have to load some auxiliary information such as the current user (to check if they are the artist of the submission) and comments . In order to avoid nested subscriptions, I can modify the above query to use switchMap to switch the query stream to user and comments observables once the submission resolves:

// stream to query for the submission and then switch query to user
    id: this.submissionId
  switchMap(submission => {
    this.submission = submission;
    return this.auth.user$
).subscribe((user) => {
  // needs value of submission here
  if (user.id == this.submission.user.id) {
    //user is owner of submission

// stream to query for the submission and then switch query to comments
    id: this.submissionId
  switchMap(submission => {
    this.comments$ = this.commentsGQL.watch({
      submissionId: submission.id //needs submission response here
    return this.comments$.valueChanges
).subscribe((comments) => {
  this.comments = comments;

Great! I've avoided the nested subscription issue BUT now...the first part of each submission request is identical. Basically, once, the submission is queried, i want to launch off two parallel queries:

  • a query for the user
  • a query for the comments

Which RxJS operator can perform such an operation? I suppose the subscribe at the end would emit an array response like:

.subscribe([user, comments] => {
    // check if user == submission.user.id here
    // also assign comments to component variable here

I believe mergeMap is sort of what I need but I'm not sure how to implement that properly. Or is this a case where I should share() the submission query and then build off my parallel queries separately? I'm very curious! Please let me know, thanks!

You can use the RxJS forkJoin operator for this scenario. As stated on the documentation,

When all observables complete, emit the last emitted value from each.

const userQuery$ = this.submissionGQL.watch({
    id: this.submissionId
  switchMap(submission => {
    this.submission = submission;
    return this.auth.user$

// stream to query for the submission and then switch query to comments
const commentsQuery$ = this.submissionGQL.watch({
    id: this.submissionId
  switchMap(submission => {
    this.comments$ = this.commentsGQL.watch({
      submissionId: submission.id //needs submission response here
    return this.comments$.valueChanges

forkJoin(userQuery$, commentsQuery$).subscribe([user, comments] => {
  // check if user == submission.user.id here
  // also assign comments to component variable here


    id: this.submissionId
   switchMap(submission => {
     this.submission = submission;
     const user$ = this.auth.user$;
     this.comments$ = this.commentsGQL.watch({
       submissionId: submission.id 
     return combineLatest(user$, this.comments$);
   // maybe put a takeUntil to remove subscription and not cause memory leaks
  ).subscribe(([user, comments]) => {
    // check if user == submission.user.id here
    // also assign comments to component variable here

Something you should consider is eliminating instance variables with the help of the async pipe given by Angular ( https://malcoded.com/posts/angular-async-pipe/ ). It will subscribe to the observable, present it into the view and automatically unsubscribe when the view is destroyed.

So, using that, we can get rid of this.submissions = submission by putting:

submissions$: Observable<ISubmission>; // assuming there is an interface of ISubmission, if not put any

// then when this.submissionId is defined
this.submissions$ = this.submissionGQL.watch({
  id: this.submissionId

// then when using it in your view you can do {{ this.submissions$ | async }}

The same thing can go for this.comments$ . All of this is optional though. I try to minimize instance variables as much as possible when using RxJS because too many instance variables leads to confusion.

Then you can lead off of this.submissions$ observable and subscribe for the other main stream.

  switchMap(submission => ..... // everything else being the same

I chose the combineLatest operator but you can use zip and forkJoin as you see fit. They all have subtle differences ( https://scotch.io/tutorials/rxjs-operators-for-dummies-forkjoin-zip-combinelatest-withlatestfrom ).

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