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How to create a soap-enc:Array parameter with python zeep?

I have to construct a SOUP method Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn from wsdl

<xsd:complexType name="Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn">
<xsd:element name="guias" type="soap-enc:Array"/>
<xsd:element name="margen_izquierdo" type="xsd:float"/>
<xsd:element name="margen_superior" type="xsd:float"/>
<xsd:element name="tipo_impresion" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="usuario" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="clave" type="xsd:string"/>

I construct the param guias of type soap-enc:Array

array_type = self.client.get_type('ns1:Array')
guias = array_type()
values = xsd.AnyObject(array_type, array_type(_attr_1={'guias': '98516000037'}))
Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn = self.factory.Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn(guias=values,

I get return

'`list`' object has no attribute '`_xsd_name`'

If i try with other value for param guias like

guia = dict(item='98516000056')

i get the return error

TypeError: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/}Array() got an unexpected keyword argument 'item'. Signature: `_value_1: ANY[], arrayType: xsd:string, offset: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/}arrayCoordinate, id: xsd:ID, href: xsd:anyURI, _attr_1: {}`

So i try with the sugered value "_value_1"

    guia = dict(_value_1=['98516000056'])

And get the error

Any element received object of type 'unicode', expected lxml.etree._Element or __builtin__.dict or zeep.xsd.valueobjects.AnyObject

I have tried different ways to build the soup-enc:Array parameter but I always get an error. You know how I can fix it. I appreciate all the help you can give me

My mistake in creating the array in the Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn method of the Coordinadora transporter was to try to create the Array type. Actually the type Array should be taken as a normal python array.

guias = []

String elements must be created that will be added to the array.

guias_type = client.get_element('ns1:string')

Finally, append elements string type to the array.

for remesa in remesas:
        guias.append(xsd.AnyObject(guias_type, remesa))

Put all params in the method

Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn = factory.Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn(guias=guias, #    array   Codigos de guia a las que se les va a generar un despacho (array de strings)
                                                                   margen_izquierdo=float(0), # float   Margen izquierdo para la generacion del PDF, en caso que el tipo impresion seleccionado genere un PDF
                                                                   margen_superior=float(0), # float    Margen superior para la generacion del PDF, en caso que el tipo impresion seleccionado genere un PDF
                                                                   tipo_impresion=unicode('LASER'), #   string  Tipo de impresion que se desea obtener las opciones son (LASER, LASER_RESUMIDA, POS_PDF, POS_PLANO).
                                                                   usuario=unicode(self.usuario), # string  Usuario asignado. Ej: prefijo.usuario
                                                                   clave=unicode(self.clave) # string   Clave codificada con el algoritmo sha256.
print Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn
response = client.service.Guias_generarDespacho(Agw_typeGenerarDespachoIn)

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