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'Product' s defined but never used in react?

I am trying to use a higher order function to get information from another file. I have three files that i use. My SchoolProduct.js file which is an array with objects, Second is my Product.js component. This file i am using for Props . Third file App.js where the magic should happen. I keep getting an error. 'product' is defined but never used. I know well what it means but i keep looking into my code without any luck. I want to display all the object elements to the screen, its very simple. heres my code.

App.js file

import React from 'react'
import SchoolProducts from "./SchoolProducts.js"
import Product from "./component/Product.js"

function App() {
  const OurProducts = SchoolProducts.map(
    Product => <Product key={"1"} name={Product.name} description={Product.description}/>

  return (

export default App;

Product.js file

import React from "react"

function Product(props) {
  return (
      <h3>{props.Product.name} </h3>
      <h3> {props.Product.price}</h3>
      <h3> {props.Product.description}</h3>

export default Product

SchoolProducts.js file

const SchoolProducts = [ {
    id: "1",
    name: "pencil",
    description: "Perfect for those who cant remember things"
    id: "2",
    name: "pencil",
    price: 1,
    description: "Perfect for those who cant remember things"

    id: "3",
    name: "pencil",
    price: 1,
    description: "Perfect for those who cant remember things"

    id: "4",
    name: "pencil",
    price: 1,
    description: "Perfect for those who cant remember things"

    id: "5",
    name: "pencil",
    price: 1,
    description: "Perfect for those who cant remember things"



export default SchoolProducts

You're using the same variable name in different scopes - the Product on the top level is the React component, but the SchoolProducts contains the array of objects, so with SchoolProducts.map(Product => , inside that .map , Product refers to a plain object.

Use different variable names:

const OurProducts = SchoolProducts.map(SchoolProduct => (
  <Product key={"1"} name={SchoolProduct.name} description={SchoolProduct.description}

Or destructure immediately:

const OurProducts = SchoolProducts.map(({ name, description }) => (
  <Product key={"1"} name={name} description={description}

(you can avoid making these sorts of mistakes by enforcing the no-shadow ESLint rule)

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