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Cloudfront Multiple origins within the same bucket

I have a cloudfront distribution which I'm using with a single S3 bucket as the origin. The bucket has both private and public data in it, segregated by folders - public_folder_1, public_folder_2, private_folder_1, private_folder_2 . I want to use cloudfront to serve only the content from the 2 public folders. I want requests to xxx.cloudfront.net/public_folder_1/file1 to go to public_folder_1 and requests to xxx.cloudfront.net/public_folder_2/file1 to go to public_folder_2 .

I have created 2 origins within the distro with origin name + paths - mybucket/public_folder_1 and mybucket/public_folder_2 for the 2 folders. I have also created two behaviours with path patterns - public_folder_1/* and public_folder_2/* (I have tried adding a leading / to the path pattern, it doesn't seem to make a difference) . But I can't access files via cloudfront.

If I change the path pattern for either behaviour to * instead of public_folder_x/* then I can access files using xxx.cloudfront.net/filex . My concern with this is that if I have 2 files with the same name in both folders how would cloudfront know which folder to use as the origin? I don't want to have to create and manage a seperate distro for each origin path.

In my case, I wasn't understanding that when CloudFront finds a matching behavior, it forwards the entire URL path to S3 . If a matching directory structure isn't represented in your S3 bucket subdirectory, you'll get a 403 response. For example, if you have a behavior matching on /developer/* , and the url is {hostname}/developer/thing.html , the S3 bucket directory which represents your origin must have a root-level subdirectory named "developer" that contains thing.html .

My concern with this is that if I have 2 files with the same name in both folders how would cloudfront know which folder to use as the origin?

You'd have to find some way to distinguish the files by a matching pattern. I would suggest adding uniquely named folders to each origin, then creating behaviors to divert traffic based on the path provided:

  • origin1: mybucket/stuff
  • origin2: mybucket/things
  • behavior1: /stuff/* --> origin1
  • behavior2: /things/* --> origin2
  • cloudfront-url/stuff/file.html --> returns file.html in the stuff directory, aka origin1.
  • cloudfront-url/things/file.html --> returns file.html in the things directory, aka origin2.


I just created a single distro with the following two origins...


With the following behaviors...


And the following bucket structure...


And here are the results:

I'll leave the distro up for a few days so you can click the links.

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