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How can reset a React child component back to original state after it updates state in the parent

I am new-ish to React and trying mimic a more complicated version of the following scenario:

  1. I have a parent component that has a state variable.
  2. I have a child component that I pass a function to that updates the state variable in the parent.
  3. In my parent function, I want to be able to reset the state variable that the child might have changed.
  4. I want the child function to reflect the reset that is initiated by the parent.

In my real example that I am mimicking here, in step 2, lots of things change in response to the updating of the state value, not just a direct update of the value. I want to provide a "reset" in my parent, that in turn should be reflected in this one child component that has a range slider.

Here is my simple example:

import React, { useState } from "react";

export const App = () => {
  const [rangeValue, setRangeValue] = useState(0)

  const reset = (e) => {
    setRangeValue(0)//reset state to 0 in App
    //how can I get the initial Position in Range component back to 0?

  return (
      <p>The range value is: {rangeValue}</p>
      <Range setRangeValue = {setRangeValue}/>
      <p><a href="/#" onClick={reset}>reset</a></p>

const Range = ({setRangeValue: setRangeValue}) =>
  const handleChange = (event) => {
  return (
      onChange={(event) => {handleChange(event)}} />

export default App;

Here is a code sandbox:https://codesandbox.io/s/github/FergusDevelopmentLLC/range-test

What is the proper way to accomplish such an idea?

You would want to make your Range component controlled by passing the value to it from the parent and getting rid of the default

import React, { useState } from "react";

export const App = () => {
  const [rangeValue, setRangeValue] = useState(0)

  const reset = (e) => {
    setRangeValue(0)//reset state to 0 in App
    //how can I get the initial Position in Range component back to 0?

  return (
      <p>The range value is: {rangeValue}</p>
      {/* pass the value here */}
      <Range rangeValue={rangeValue} setRangeValue = {setRangeValue}/> 
      <p><a href="/#" onClick={reset}>reset</a></p>

const Range = ({rangeValue, setRangeValue: setRangeValue}) =>
  const handleChange = (event) => {
  return (
      value={rangeValue} // <-- here get the value from parent, when reset it will come down from parent again without whatever value it was reset to
      onChange={(event) => {handleChange(event)}} />

export default App;

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