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Tooltipster initialisation error with "sideTip" plugin

I'm trying to use tooltipster https://iamceege.github.io/tooltipster/ but I'm facing a problem.

I loaded correctly \\js\\vendor\\tooltipster\\tooltipster.bundle.min.js and \\less\\vendor\\tooltipster\\tooltipster.bundle.min.less.

But when I'm calling it :

         animation: 'fade',
         delay: 200,
         triggerOpen: {
            click: true,  // For mouse
            tap: true    // For touch device

tooltipster-52452b94.js:7623 Uncaught Error: The "sideTip" plugin is not defined

at a.Tooltipster._plug (tooltipster-52452b94.js:7623)

Did I forget anything? Thank you


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