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How do I use external routes in my routes index file

I have a users.js and a index.js file.


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const {catchErrors} = require('../handlers/errorHandlers');

const authController = require('../controllers/authController');

router.post('login/', catchErrors(authController.login));

module.exports.router = router;


// Route handlers
let userRouter = require('./users');

router.use('/user', userRouter);

module.exports = router;

I tried this and it's not working. I would appreciate any advice.

In your users.js file you're exporting an object with the property router ( module.exports.router = router ) which would look like..

module.exports = {
  router: router

and in your index you're importing the object from users.js but not accessing the router when passing it to router.use(...) .

You should pass the router in your index.js file


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();

// You can access the router on the require
const userRouter = require('./users').router;
router.use('/user', userRouter);

// Or on the object after the require
const userRouter = require('./users');
router.use('/user', userRouter.router);

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