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PowerShell to get Azure AD Application Certificate information

I've been trying to get Azure AD Application Certificate information, either the certificate or even just the thumbprint of the cert without any luck. I've been predominantly using Get-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential and get-AzureADApplication (AzureAD There is a CustomKeyIdentifier in the results of both commands, which is a Byte[], but it isn't translatable to the thumbprint, and I can't really tell where it comes from. There is a Value property, which you would think had the certificate, but it is always null.

Is there away to get certificate information from an Azure AD Application?


I was using the wrong method of getting the thumbprint.

I should have run [system.convermt]::ToBase64String on the CustomKeyIdentifier property from either of Get-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential or get-AzureADApplication.

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