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404 Error in controller action methods after deploying to remote server

.JS File

$("#drpdwn").change(function ()
    var filter1 = document.getElementById("drpdwn").value;
    window.location = '/Controller/GetByFilter?filter=' + filter1;

Actionmethod in controller:

public ActionResult GetByFilter(string filter)
    var model = obj.GetByFilter(filter);
    return View(model);

This throws a 404 on server but works as expected on localhost. problem is with URL part and I have no clue how to fix it.

There are few things when you depoly on remote server, if you deploy at root then it will work ie http://www.example.com

But if you added application or virtual directory then you need to use virtual directory too.

i.e. window.location = '/[virdir]/Controller/GetByFilter?filter=' + filter1;

So best option will be use absolute url instead of relative to the application.

i.e. window.location = 'http://www.example.com/Controller/GetByFilter?filter=' +filter1;

or window.location = 'http://www.example.com/myapp/Controller/GetByFilter?filter=' +filter1;

You could use something like this

window.location.href = "@Url.Action("ActionName","ControllerName")";

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