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How to update a Firestore field from a pub sub function

I have set up a pub/sub function to fire every minute and I want to check if the current time is equal to the start time any of the Firestore entities then change a value if it is :

exports.updateDraftStatus = (event, context) => {
  const pubsubMessage = event.data;
  console.log(Buffer.from(pubsubMessage, 'base64').toString());

  const db = admin.firestore();
  time = admin.firestore.Timestamp.fromMillis(Date.now())
  const snap = db.collection("leagues").where("startTime", time).get()
  await Promise.all(snap.docs.map(doc => doc.ref.update({Started: 'Off'})));

The .get() method returns a Promise<QuerySnapshot> , and not a QuerySnapshot . You will need to await the snapshot, or use a then() block.

exports.updateDraftStatus = async (event, context) => {
  const pubsubMessage = event.data;
  console.log(Buffer.from(pubsubMessage, 'base64').toString());

  const db = admin.firestore();
  time = admin.firestore.Timestamp.fromMillis(Date.now())
  const snap = await db.collection("leagues").where("startTime", time).get()
  await Promise.all(snap.docs.map(doc => doc.ref.update({Started: 'Off'})));


exports.updateDraftStatus = (event, context) => {
  const pubsubMessage = event.data;
  console.log(Buffer.from(pubsubMessage, 'base64').toString());

  const db = admin.firestore();
  time = admin.firestore.Timestamp.fromMillis(Date.now())
  return db.collection("leagues").where("startTime", time).get().then((snap) => {
    return Promise.all(snap.docs.map(doc => doc.ref.update({Started: 'Off'})));

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