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how extract id and send it in axios

i have vuetify

 <v-col cols="12" md="8"> <v-select :items="driverName" v-bind:id="editedItem.driverId" v-model="editedItem.score" label="score"></v-select> </v-col>

and me need know resulr id v-bind:id="editedItem.driverId" in :items keep

 <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="desserts" sort-by="calories" class="elevation-1" >

i get data with api in axios here my code https://github.com/ivan556258/crm/blob/master/src/views/table/AppBillAll.vue

 <v-col cols="12" md="8"> <v-select :items="drivers" item-value="_id" item-text="lastname" v-model="editedItem.score" label="Счёт"> </v-select> </v-col>

console.log(this.editedItem.score); // here id

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