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Toggle this element on material table cell angular

I'm trying to change a style and increment a favorites count, the problem is my code changes the style for all heart elements. I've tried using index like favClicked === i but then when you click on another heart, it disables the style from the previous click.

My code:

<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let item; let i = index" class="favorite">
            (click)="showRed = true; increment(showRed)"
            (click)="showRed = false; increment(showRed)"


increment(showRed: boolean) {
    if (showRed) {
    } else {

Screenshot of the problem; you can see it changes the styling for all the hearts on click of the top heart, which originally was black color and changes to red on click.


I used item.clicked which uses the item iteration, which targeted the table cell click of the heart. Then I reverse the boolean on click item.clicked = !item.clicked; , use [ngClass]="{ red: item.clicked }" to select the red class if true. Then increment in the method.

<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let item; let i = index" class="favorite">
   <mat-icon (click)="item.clicked = !item.clicked; increment(item.clicked, item, i)"
   ngClass]="{ red: item.clicked }">favorite</mat-icon>


 increment(item: boolean) {
    if (item) {
    } else {

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