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Opencart CDN's suggestions

I have been using OpenCart for our site, I am really happy with it, it is an awesome platform that comes with many features and a big community around it. Can someone guide which CDN should is use? What are the important things in the website for which i have to use CDN services. I haven't managed to find any module for this. Any guidance would be appreciated.


Your question doesn't give us full information on what you want to accomplish. Also, there actually are some modules , that make CDN integration. Also, most CDN services don't require a special plugin, bit can do their magic on the fly, for example like CloudFlare, and their setup is rather basic.

Here is a list of free modules: https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension&filter_license=0&filter_search=cdn

For example, if you would like to have an ImageCDN - KeyCDN has this service and the module utilizes it. Juts an example.

Cloudflare has a good free account service and even better Pro (2nd level) plan, that is good enough for any starter shop. Paid plan has these extras:

  • Enhanced security with Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Enhanced performance with image and mobile optimization - lossless compression for images and WebP format
  • HTTP/2 prioritization

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