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Cannot read property „id” of undefined

The thing is I am trying to make a command which show how much coins a user has, but every time I type the command it just returns „cannot read property „id” of undefined”.

Here is the code:

const Discord = require("discord.js");
let coins = require("../coins.json");

module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
    let pUser = message.guild.member(message.mentions.users.first()) || message.guild.members.get(args[0]);
    coins[pUser.id] = {
      coins: 0

    coins[message.author.id] = {
      coins: 0

  let pCoins = coins[pUser.id].coins;
  let uCoins = coins[message.author.id].coins;

  if (!pUser) { 
      message.channel.send(`**${message.author}**: Ai manglit **${uCoins}** puncte de neață!`);
  } else {
      message.channel.send(`**${pUser}**: Ai manglit **${pCoins}** puncte de neață!`);

module.exports.help = {
  name: "neti"

Also here is my coins.json file:


This block will always undefined, pUser its a guild.member and dont have property id

  coins[pUser.id] = {
    coins: 0

The fist part of this code will return collection of message.author so you will see [object,object]

if (!pUser) { 
  message.channel.send(`**${message.author}**: Ai manglit **${uCoins}** puncte de neață!`);
} else {
  message.channel.send(`**${pUser}**: Ai manglit **${pCoins}** puncte de neață!`);

The right way is:

const Discord = require("discord.js");
let coins = require("../coins.json");

module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
  let targetMember = message.guild.member(message.mentions.users.first()) || message.guild.members.get(args[0])
  if(!targetMember) targetMember = message.member

    coins[targetMember.user.id] = {
      coins: 0

  let pCoins = coins[targetMember.user.id].coins;

  message.channel.send(`**${targetMember.user.id}**: Ai manglit **${pCoins}** puncte de neață!`);

module.exports.help = {
  name: "neti"

Actually in your code you get the user that is mentionned or the user you get if you type an id in first arg

/coin @john#0000 or /coin 192367487362 (this is an example)

You have to add a condition to protect your code from error like that:

module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
    let pUser = message.guild.member(message.mentions.users.first()) || message.guild.members.get(args[0]);

    if(!pUser) {
      // Do something if no user was mentionned and no id was sent with the first argument

    coins[pUser.id] = {
      coins: 0

    coins[message.author.id] = {
      coins: 0

  let pCoins = coins[pUser.id].coins;
  let uCoins = coins[message.author.id].coins;

  if (!pUser) { 
      message.channel.send(`**${message.author}**: Ai manglit **${uCoins}** puncte de neață!`);
  } else {
      message.channel.send(`**${pUser}**: Ai manglit **${pCoins}** puncte de neață!`);

const data = {"108225935509057536": { coins: 3, id: "108225935509057536" }};


try this

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